PortaOne Education Center – Expectations and Reality

At the end of every course we ask our graduates to answer the questionnaire and share their impressions about study. No false modesty, reading them is music to the teacher’s ears. Here they are.

What will you remember most?

✅ Andrii Khyzhniak’s question which no one could answer (Vadym Moroz, Chernihiv)

✅  I will never forget four hours mashup (Eugene Semerenko, Sumy)

✅  The moment I wrote my first script which was simple. When it started working the way I wanted it, I was happy ♥️ (Eugene Semerenko, Sumy)

❓  What did you like most?

✅ The way I felt when I completed challenging tasks that looked impossible to solve. (Eugene Semerenko, Sumy)

✅  Our teacher’s attitude when they let us make a mistake and then by trial and error, we find a correct solution (Vlad Mogilevets)

✅  The moment you find a solution (Svitlana)

✅  The sense of victory over mashup or a difficult task (Irina Shevtsova)

✅  The way the process is arranged and the approach. The lessons lasted longer so that we could do everything and ask all necessary questions (Oleksiy)

To what extent did the reality come to your expectations?

✅ Actually, it was much more interesting. There wasn’t a single dull lecture. Just the other way round. The teacher led us to  correct answers instead of just giving them to us. Especially during practical classes. You may need to act as a router to understand how routing work.

✅ The most unexpected for our students was  …… job offer.

Sixteen students became a part of PortaOne team this year.

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