Anastasia Honchar

Anastasia Honchar made up her mind to work in IT when she was in 11th grade. Read a new episode from #portaone_education_success_story with Nastia.

So Anastasia entered the department of Electronic and Information Technology at  Chernihiv Polytechnic. But it happened that study in PortaOne Education Center became a priority.  Being a second year student Nastia joined our course. And after completing the basic course in June 2019 she came to work as a trainee support engineer. It took Nastia less than two years to become a Middle Support Engineer. She never once felt bad about taking the job so early! She also didn’t give up her studies at the university. Nastia is getting her bachelor’s degree this year.

-How did you find out about the PortaOne Education Center?

My classmates told me about the PortaOne Education Center recruitment. They saw advertisements on the  university billboards. By the way, they also completed the basic course, then did Become a Developer program. And one of them got a job in the release team at PortaOne.

 – What did you most enjoy during your studies?

The best part was the mashups (tests) in each topic. Usually, the tasks are arranged logically. So you can’t skip anything. Because of this you get excited, you want  to move forward as soon as possible.

– What is the most important thing that you learned?

It’s hard to single it out, there was lots of good stuff I make use of in my daily work. But probably the most interesting thing that I learned is how to deal with SIP and BE-logs (Billing Engine). When I first saw them, it was some kind of Double Dutch. But now I gladly get into it and enjoy it when I can find the root of the problem.

– Can you finish the sentence “If  it wasn’t  for the PortaOne Educational Center, …”.

I would  keep looking for ways to get into IT, and I have no idea how long it would  take me.

What was your most stupid mistake during your studies? What would you like to avoid?

Actually, I can’t remember anything specific. I only remember that there were a lot of mistakes. But what is good about mistakes? To figure it out and to learn your lesson! For example, I learned  that you have to work carefully with the disk space, no rush here. Or you can erase everything and then have to re-attach / renew the virtual. Do not even ask me how much time it took me!

– What are your brightest memories about your study?

The first time we set up a VoIP phone and called each other. And also our graduation party with delicious food.

 – What can you recommend other students?

It’s simple but really important. Do all your homework and learn English! Without English you can understand neither customers nor documentation. You don’t have  to attend classes to maintain the level. You can just watch your favorite shows in English, not in dubbing.


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