Stanislav Pinchuk

Graduates of our Education Center easily find jobs in IT companies. Today we are featuring Stanislav Pinchuk who got his Certificate yesterday and successfully passed probation period in August and became a member of PortaOne team as a Support Engineer.

– Did your job live up to expectations?

Yes, this is what I expected from the job of a support engineer. I like the way the work and training process is organized, like those monthly video reports on what happened in the company, or workshops. You can combine work with your study which is also convenient.

– What knowledge/skills appeared to be the most useful?

A little of everything. The most important thing in my current work is the ability to understand a big picture, the algorithm of interaction of different components of the overall system, when and where they interact.

What is the secret of completing successfully probation period?

Ask questions, ask more questions. Any kind of questions: stupid, funny, reasonable. Write down everything you need to ask and all the steps you take. And don’t forget to google them yourself, of course!


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